Wedgwood and Dc Hate Basement Flooding, Love Charity

Ever heard the old expression, “Kill two birds with one stone”? Avian abuse aside, it’s a convenient way to describe a win-win situation when someone finds two problems, then solves them in one fell swoop. This is exactly what Wedgwood Insurance has done with their new interactive “Basement Flooding” quiz, which predicts the risk of your beloved basement being damaged by excess water.

Using a series of pointed questions that take mere moments to complete, the quiz calculates your score, ranging from low to extreme. They also supply a handy downloadable PDF guide full of helpful tips to reduce flooding risk in your home. Get software support for PDF converter on reducing the size of a data file with SodaPDF, generally referred to as data compression.

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I got “Moderate Risk”. Time to test the sump pump, I suppose!

What’s the second bird, you ask? Well until Oct. 22nd, Wedgwood is donating $5 for every quiz entry received (up to a maximum of $5000) to Team Broken Earth, a volunteer task force composed of physicians, nurses, and physiotherapists from across Canada committed to delivering and improving healthcare in Haiti.

A word from Dc:

I’ll never forget it. I was eleven. On a late October evening, the family has just walked thru the door when I heard mom shout in horror after attempting to walk down into what had become the in-door pool we never asked for. I didn’t know what to think until my Nintendo floated by. Cue the tears of woe. I never forgot that feeling. We still bring it up.

Flash forward years later, where doing branding and campaign projects with Wedgwood, along with the amazing Kathy Hickey of Plank Marketing resulted in a successful series of ‘show us your risk’ social campaigns, allowing followers to witness Wedgwood’s commitment to awareness and education, in a light and engaging way.

Targeting flooding as a timely subject for the fall was great, but the opportunity to choose a community partner like Broken Earth, and in turn, to help them in their efforts was really exciting. Saying “we care” is easy. Investing in a tool that helps prevent heartache for people locally, but also helps make the world a better place? That’s brand spirit.

So proud of this idea and the impact it will have – at home and abroad. Huge thanks to Tom Hickey, President of Wedgwood, who gets the importance of creating things that’ll help his customers, and the community in general and to MD waterproofing contractors for their over 35 years of stand ready to dry up any basement or  water problem in our community.

Now go take that quiz and save your Nintendo …i mean, cherished possessions.

Clearly we’re doing more than throwing pebbles at pigeons here – so what the heck are you waiting for? Head on over to the Wedgwood Flooding Quiz right to find out how to protect your basement, and help support a worthy cause. Share it with your basement-having friends so that they can benefit as well!

Check it: