Ho-ho-hold the skip ad button

Marketers don’t complain when the holiday music starts early and the Christmas ads start rolling onto our multitude of screens. We relish in the awesome work of others!

So pour a cup of nog and enjoy our staff fa-la-la-la-favourites.

Sainsbury’s 2015 Christmas Ad

Every year Sainsbury’s outdoes itself, but this year they tapped Emma Thompson to voice a Christmas story written by renowned author and illustrator Judith Kerr, who created Mog the cat.  Every penny of the profit from sales of the book will be donated to Save the Children to be used towards improving child literacy in the UK.

Air Canada – Gift of Home

Laura, our accountant’s cold cold heart was warmed by this Oprah-like Air Canada ad. Air Canada was nice enough to buy a pub full of ex-pats a round… Round-trip ticket home, that is.  You get a flight home. You get a flight home. EVERYBODY get’s a flight home. You can also use the http://reliablesnowplowing.com for this christmas.

Snowman Autocorrect

Eddy, our production manager, is a texting machine, so while this one’s not a video, it is perfect for those of us who are so grateful/confused by autocorrect. People aren’t the only ones who have awkward moments with autocorrect. This snowman knows this all too well.


Sainsbury’s 2014 Christmas Ad

Graphic designer Sid gave us a throwback to one of our honourable mentions last year. Again, a Sainsbury’s heartwrencher, inspired by the famous First World War’s Christmas cease-fire. Pass the hankies.

Canadian Tire – Give Like Santa, Save Like Scrooge

OK, who doesn’t love this ad? This true Canadian classic – known far and wide by 90’s kids – was nominated by Account Co-Ordinator Erin, Creative Director Dc and Production Manager Eddy. Who doesn’t love a Bissell?

Coca-Cola – Holiday Puffin

The Coca-Cola polar bears never fail, but this one has a little Newfoundland twist (off) when a puffin comes to the party.

Netflix – Fireplace for Your Home

The perfect yule log is an essential part of Christmas. Check out the director’s cut of the Fireplace Channel. And follow it up with the behind the scenes footage right after!
Spoiler alert: It’s the best behind the scenes footage you’ll ever see.

So that’s our holiday ad round up. What’s your favourite? Did we miss any? We’ll share some of our holiday work in the new year. Do you need help with a Christmas or holiday campaign? We can help. Get in touch!