Happy Camper International Eats

Kathy Hicks is all about all things ‘happy’. When that Pharrell song of the same name came out last year, you could hear her squeal from the top of Prescott.

We sent this text back and forth around the time after it’s release. Needless to say, I agree with Kathy; “Happiness is the truth”.

Happy Yay

When the time came for Kathy to do what Kathy does – AKA: come up with an awesome idea and then just make it happen like it’s no big D – I happened to be in earshot.

“I want our people to be healthier so they can be happier. There is so much crap in what we eat. I’m over it. I want to open a food truck.”

Ok. No problem. But how? Where? etc.

Next thing I knew – as in a matter of weeks – Kathy had the trailer bought and was already working on her menu. I can tell you I tasted many of her ideas; All healthy. All wicked. I can also tell you she had bought the now infamous “Long Dick’s Sausage Emporium” trailer downtown and had started to consider “Mini Vaginnis” as her new name (not really). But then… eureka.

Happy Camper – International Eats – Whole & Healthy.

Everything about the brand construction, from the fonts and the colors and iconography of the logo to the copy within it, is everything Kathy was after: a bright, warm and welcoming place to serve delicious home-spun dishes and more to those looking for something a little happier and healthier than the ocean of beige we face when we hit the streets from our downtown offices.

Drop by the Happy Camper and give Kathy some love.
The fish taco. The curry bowl. The Noodle bowl. All amazing.

I know I say this all. the. time. But… we need to support our small businesses who bring heart to the services they provide.

Until next time, I’ll sign off as Kathy would want me to, with a laugh and a glimmer of fun in her eye: “Who’s a Happy Camper Now?!” lol

Looking forward,

Have you been to Happy Camper yet? What’s your favourite dish? Leave us a comment and let us know.

Check it: