
Dc presents: Shaping the Future of the Funeral Profession


Greetings, friends. I’m up in the spot today with some #RealTalk about a topic that doesn’t get a lot of airplay — but should. It’s about taboos and realities that many of us find scary. Losing loved ones and matters of mortality are weighty topics best approached with a sense of understanding and preparedness.

Evolving an ethos

Thanks, Dc. We’ve been collaborating with visionary funeral service provider Geoff Carnell of Carnell’s Funeral Home to help him help the funeral profession in our province and country grow. We know that innovation spurs change — this premise is embodied by Geoff Carnell’s future-focused approach to knowledge sharing within a rapidly-evolving profession. His recently-launched online learning platform, Continuing Education for Funeral Professionals (CEFP), is modernizing the way funeral service providers learn and develop their craft on an ongoing basis. CEFP is already garnering attention on the provincial and national stage — here’s a look at the range of topics it covers:

Planning for paradigm shifts

Carnell’s story of innovation and future-readiness doesn’t stop at CEFP — they’re looking way further. Part of Geoff’s vision for providing the most considerate and comprehensive service possible is to help us move beyond the traditional taboos related to discussing mortality to a more open ‘readiness mentality’. How? By establishing ‘one-stop’ access to the complete range of knowledge, services, and products that will help people plan for late-life in all aspects — health, wealth, and family. It’s about helping people know that it’s ok to talk about death and it’s wise (if not preferable) to plan for your best years or those of a loved one before it becomes a pressing matter. There’s a lot more to come on this front. Stay tuned for the next chapters in an important story that impacts us all.

This story resonates on so many levels. It’s a reminder that we should all feel equipped to openly acknowledge our own mortal realities and plan to enjoy our whole lives to the fullest. As global citizens, we’ve never been better positioned to use our knowledge-sharing powers for good — we’re getting there, peeps. 

Hey. Feeling enthralled, intrigued or inspired? Our doors are always open to those who wish to make an impact and brand better. 

Looking forward,

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